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Art & Design

Intent – why do we teach what we teach in Art and Design? 

Art and Design makes a unique contribution to Academy life and to the learning experience of all students. As an expressive form, we believe it is for everyone, not only those who are considered naturally talented; everyone is capable of creative and aethsetic responses to their environment, whatever their personal interests and outlook. 

We believe it is important that within a learner's overall education, there is an opportunity to be creative and to express individual thoughts, ideas and opinions in a variety of ways. The threads of drawing, painting, print-making,  analysing and evaluation are the most pertinent threads that run through all Key Stages and they are most important in order to develop proficient artists. These are explored through our ten-point learning concept wheel which is imbedded across all key stages.

In devising and revising our curriculum, we pay careful attention to the educational needs of our student body, their family backgrounds, life experiences and the cultural experiences they are likely to have encountered out of school. We aim to do this by developing, within students, an awareness of their visual world and the cultures that have shaped it, and the confidence and vocabulary to respond to it, verbally and practically. 

Art enriches our lives, stimulates our senses, and helps us appreciate the wonder and complexity of the world around us. Gallery visits are embedded within the curriculum and take place at every Key Stage. Every student at Chobham Academy is encouraged to actively participate in the appreciation of art in the local community and in London more widely. Galleries and museums are key destinations in helping students develop their critical thinking and independent responses.

Through our curriculum our vision is for all our children to access the Art Learning Concepts intend to promote thinking skills and skills of judgement and evaluation. We encourage creativity and a sense of confidence in their own tastes and opinions. We enable them to articulate their opinions about artworks, including their own, effectively, and respectfully with considered reasoning, and with developing visual literacy. We promote effective decision making and problem-solving skills. We develop a range of practical skills. We help visual and cognitive awareness and organization. We develop critical thinking and reasoning skills. The beauty and constant fascination of art is in its multiple perspectives and lack of definitive ‘solutions’.

Implementation – how do we teach Art and Design? 

Schemes of learning are designed to challenge all learners, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to talk about art, and to experiment, invent and create their own works of art. Our spiral curriculum is relevant and exciting and provides a diverse and meaningful development of both substantive and procedural (experiential) knowledge from EYFS through to KS5.

With an all-through mode, we plan the Art & Design curriculum, so it progresses with a systematic, spiral approach throughout the school.  Primary and secondary phases staff work together to ensure that the content of the curriculum meets both National Curriculum requirements and the needs and aspirations of our students as they progress through the academy.  We make sure that the Art & Design curriculum is designed so that all key concepts (both substantive and procedural) are presented repeatedly with deepening layers of complexity and/or in different applications so that students’ learning progresses in a structured way, with a smooth transition from EYFS provision to KS1, and from KS2 to KS3.  This includes making sure that the artists, art movements and art techniques that are chosen to explore at primary help prepare students for the learning they will encounter in the secondary phase. This latter feature reinforces learning and makes students more confident in their core knowledge.

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Impact – What are the outcomes from Art?

Each child has an individual book with the expectation that their work or a photographic example of their learning is added to their book each week. The lesson typically starts with ‘Knowing More, Remembering More’ style questions, which is recapping previous knowledge. Then, each lesson uses a progression of PowerPoint slides, activities, questioning and key vocabulary to teach the aims of the lesson. 

The art lead assesses the impact of teaching and learning through learning walks, lesson observations, book looks and discussions with teachers and pupils. To assess the children’s learning, formative assessment, ongoing feedback throughout a lesson or project, including self-assessment, peer-assessment, and teacher assessment to enable pupils to review and refine their work. The teacher monitors the children on how they are using the tools and materials in the art lesson and addresses misconceptions. Through discussions about the key art work, the teacher establishes the children’s understanding of how the formal elements are arranged to create a composition. 

In KS3 art and design encourages students to express themselves creatively, helping them to discover their unique voice and identity. It exposes them to a wide range of artistic styles and perspectives that helps foster an appreciation for diversity and artistic traditions around the world. This is evident in their portfolio of work which includes three art projects each year building on techniques and processes to produce visual ideas and outcomes. Checking and understanding takes place throughout each lesson as well as the regular assessed tasks including self-reflection and peer assessments.

During key stage four and five studying becomes more independent with students pushing the boundaries of creativity. We provide a structured environment for experimentation and artistic growth. Students collaborate with industry and higher education institutes to gain networks and an understanding of their creative future within the arts. This leads to highly successful exam outcomes at the end of KS4 and 5.  A-Level students go on to study courses at world renowned universities including Central St Martins and the London School of Fashion.

Exam Board Information

GCSE Syllabus Studied – Edexcel Art and Design

A Level Syllabus Studied – Edexcel Art and Design


Art Curriculum Map 02nd Sep 2024 Download