Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

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Intent – why do we teach what we teach in PE? 

It is our belief that PE is vital in maintaining our students' health; not just their physical health but using PE and sport as a vehicle to improve positive mental health and social wellbeing for all our students. In providing our students with these invaluable tools, we believe we are giving them the tools for success beyond the school gates and into the wider world.

The purpose of the PE curriculum and enrichment programme is to provide opportunity for high quality teaching and learning, which immerses students in specialist knowledge, and inspires them to engage in a lifelong love of sport.

Underpinning the curriculum design are the Academy learning values, inclusion, curiosity, honesty, empathy, excellence, respect. These are not only vital values and skills for life but are essential for what it takes to be successful in the world of sport. Our curriculum is inclusive for all abilities, aiming to nurture our most gifted athletes, as well as engage those students who are more reluctant to participate into finding areas of the curriculum they can enjoy.

Across all key stages we expose our students to a broad and balanced curriculum which provides them with opportunities to master the fundamental skills which underpin sports performance across a wide range of sporting contexts, both within lesson time and within the extensive enrichment program.

As the students navigate the curriculum they build their confidence in communication, teamwork and leadership skills; preparing them for sporting opportunities outside of the curriculum. At the Academy we have fostered numerous links with agencies in the wider community and provide opportunities for our students at both borough and national level.

Implementation – how do we teach PE? 

The PE department at Chobham strives to provide accessible and competitive sport for every student in the Academy, which will see them develop lifelong habits that promote a healthy and active lifestyle. We aim to ensure that all students: 

  • achieve their personal best in the subject 
  • experience competitive sport at some level while at the Academy 
  • gain the necessary knowledge to lead a healthy and active lifestyle when they leave the Academy. 

EYFS - our students start to explore the fundamentals of different movements and skills. 

Key stage 1 – fundamental movement skills become more competent, and they start to learn specific skills. Students look specifically at techniques and skills that underpin sporting successes, that will allow our students the ability to participate in a range of different sports as they move through the Academy.  

Key stage 2 – students learn how to build patterns of movement using the fundamental skills in different ways. Through the introduction of specific sports, the skills they have learnt in isolation are now being transferred into competitive game situations.

Key stage 3 - students develop the fundamental skills learnt in the primary phase and become more competent and confident performers, through improved technique and better understanding of specific sports and rules. Students begin to acquire tactical knowledge and apply this information in to game situations and competition to outwit their opponents.  

Key Stage 4 - students have the opportunity to study GCSE PE or take part in Core PE. GCSE PE offers students 5 lessons of PE a week following the AQA specification. Core PE contains 1 hour of practical activity each week. Students will develop their mental wellbeing and physical fitness through participating in a range of sporting activities such as handball, badminton, table tennis, football, rounders, cricket, HRF. 

Key Stage 5 - we ensure fluency from our Key Stage 4 offer by presenting two pathways for students: vocational and accredited PE. We offer AQA level PE consisting of 5 hours a week and the OCR CTEC SPORT extended diploma level 3, 12 hours per week.  


PE Curriculum Map 12th Sep 2023 Download