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Design Technology

Intent – why do we teach what we teach in Design Technology?

Design and Technology at Harris Academy Chobham is a highly practical and creative subject, which equips children with a range of crucial life skills that they need for the future. Our students start to learn about these skills in EYFS and continue to build on them throughout their school career until KS5. Learning about how to design, build, create evaluate and problem-solve are vital, and encompass some of the core skills that we want children to have when they leave our academy. Design and Technology is all about solving real problems, and as such, is taught in the context of lots of different disciplines. Children are encouraged to use their creativity and imagination to re-imagine products considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. Through the evaluation of past and present design and technology, they develop a critical understanding of its impact on daily life and how it is has helped shape the world we now live in. 

At Harris Academy Chobham, we aim to provide our children with the chance to develop key skills needed to participate and contribute successfully to an increasingly technological world: creativity, the practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks, the understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users, the ability to critique, evaluate and test their ideas and the work of others, the understanding of the principles of nutrition and the ability to cook safely.

Implementation – how do we teach Design Technology?

The teaching of design and technology at Harris Academy Chobham begins with and builds on the Early Learning Goals for Technology and Exploring and using Media within the EYFS. We provide a range of experiences that encourage exploration, observation, problem solving, critical thinking and discussion within the five key areas of design and technology. These activities, indoors and outdoors, attract pupils’ interest and curiosity. 

In Key Stage One We design products based on design criteria and communicate their/our ideas through talking and drawing, research and select appropriate materials and equipment to perform practical tasks. Our students explore and evaluate existing products and evaluate their ideas against design criteria/ success criteria this allows students to test and improve existing structures.  Students learn the basics of food technology and understand where food comes from and the principles of a healthy diet using the eat well plate. 

Moving forward into key stage two we begin with research and develop design criteria to design purposeful, functional, appealing products that are fit for purpose and are aimed at individuals or groups.  Students model and communicate ideas through discussion, annotated sketches, exploded diagrams, prototypes, pattern pieces and computer-aided design, they select from and use a wide range of tools, materials or ingredients and equipment to perform practical tasks such as cutting, sanding and making with accuracy. Using existing or new products, students investigate and analyse a range of products to evaluate their ideas against their own design criteria and consider the views of others to improve or develop their work, applying their understanding to test and improve more complex designs and structures. Students better understand and use mechanical or electrical systems computer programming to monitor and control their products.  Students develop their culinary skills with preparation, understand seasonality of ingredients and cooking of dishes using a range of techniques, such as claw and bridge cutting and chopping. understand seasonality of ingredients. The children are given the opportunity to gain first-hand experience through working individually, in small groups or on larger scale pieces of work with the five key areas of design and technology throughout the year.

Design Technology (KS3) & Graphic Communication (KS4) are an inspiring, creative and practical subjects that encourage students to use their imaginations by drawing upon intellectual, creative and practical skills. Students are given the opportunity to use three-dimensional and digital techniques and processes, developing strong links with STEM subject areas, that help build cross-curricular links and critical thinking. Graphic Communcation teaches students how to take risks within their work through practical projects, pushing them to be innovative, resourceful and enterprising learners. At Chobham we aim to promote decision-making and problem-solving within the confines of a safe, positive learning environment. This is delivered through a range of small practical projects at Key Stage 3. During these projects, students engage in the iterative processes of design and making.

From year 7 (KS3) students are rotated between, Resistant Materials, Graphic Communication and Food Technology. Students have one term in each subject which allows for a stronger broader and balanced curriculum. This model not only serves the students here at chobham but links to pass and future steps and skill sets students will need for further education.

In KS3 food technology students focus on health and safety and nutrition in the kitchen, it is imperative young people develop an understanding of the food they eat and the effects this food has on their health and wellbeing, understanding sustainability, the science behind nutrition and the importance of having a balanced diet and developing knowledge of the “eatwell” plate.  Students will gain a rich understanding of scientific processes relevant to food preparation, nutrition and sourcing alongside a practice of food preparation covering a range of recipes and ingredients.

Electronics and has also been implemented at KS3 to give students a holistic experience under the design and technology umbrella. Students design and manufacture a fully functional night light using circuit boards with switch lines, resisters and light emitting diode (LED). Students are introduced to basic circuits, live, neutral and earth supply, universal iconography indicators and the use of technical soldering skills.

Our Graphic Communcation GCSE course allows students to explore a range of materials, techniques and their properties within the parameters of a flexible curriculum. Learners work in smaller groups using a range of practical techniques and skills that they have acquired during lessons to design or create mini-projects. This allows students to practice and further their skills in the classroom and the workshop. Our Graphic Communcation programme embraces both traditional 2D and 3D artforms such as drawing, painting and model making whilst also embedding an understanding CAD and digital software packages. Students are exposed to a broad and varied palette of characteristics that allows them to build upon prior knowledge of art and design and come up with exciting, new and individual concepts.

Effective design is a skill that grabs the attention of the target audience, as well as enriching the lives of users. Regular trips and competitions are used to show students how the skills they have learnt and developed in lessons, can help inform a pathway into a career in Art, Design, Architecture, Engineering or Construction. Getting first hand experiences through trips is valuable to students as they are able to connect the classroom to industry.

Year 10 and 12 follow the Edexcel Art and Design (Graphic Communcation) design course, Graphic Communcation, which is characterised by an ongoing exploration of ideas, concepts and computer based practical skills that inform the researching, planning, designing, prototyping and model-making process of art-based sculpture and creation. Students are encouraged to engage with appropriate processes, materials and construction techniques, using maquettes, models and working drawings to help take their initial ideas through to realisation. They are also encouraged to research and identify a particular art movement, group of artists or design process that helps them navigate and build upon their understanding of digital art, how it is made and its place within the everyday world and commercial market. Through combining visual 1st hand and 2nd hand research (photography, drawing, painting etc) and devising individual responses that demonstrate practical computer-based design through the development process, students create a body of coursework. This course is 100% course work, no exam.

Year 11 follow the traditional AQA Design and Technology course which introduces students to the world of design, creativity, and problem-solving. It focuses on developing practical skills in designing and making products, using materials like wood, metal, plastics, and textiles. Students explore key principles like sustainability, ergonomics, and user-centred design. The course consists of a written exam (50%) covering theory, materials, and technical knowledge, and a non-exam assessment (50%) where students complete a design project. Through practical and theoretical study, students learn to evaluate products, understand manufacturing processes, and create innovative solutions to real-world problems.


DT Curriculum Map 06th Feb 2025 Download